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The Saint John Cricket Club (SJCC) is a non-profit organization that was formed with the purpose of promoting the game of Cricket in Saint John, New Brunswick, teaching discipline, teamwork, respect and integrity. Our ultimate aim is to foster physical literacy in a friendly, fun and competitive environment.
Awards and Honors

2016 40 Overs Runners-up, NB Cricket League.
2017 T20 Champions, NB Cricket League.
2017 40 Over Champions, NB Cricket League.
2018 T20 Champions, NB Cricket League.
2019 T20 Runners-up, NB Cricket League.
- 2019 40 Overs Champions, NB Cricket league.
- 2020 T20 Champions, NB Cricket League.
- 2020 40 Overs Runners-up, NB Cricket League.

2018 40 Overs Champions, NB Cricket League
Saint John - A Sporting Tradition
The game was introduced during the 1840s by the English regiments garrisoned in Saint John. Each regiment fielded a cricket "eleven". Hundreds of local fans flocked to the Barrack Green to watch the contests. They were exciting affairs to the hardcore cricket fans. To many, just seeing the men in white on the cricket pitch brought back pleasant memories of a distant Motherland. To a few, the games were just plain boring:
During the latter of yesterday afternoon the members of the St. John Baseball club and some others, tired of a "masterly inactivity", and anticipating the result of the cricket game in progress, engaged in a friendly match of baseball. Messrs. M. Barnes, McLeod, Collins, Disbrow, Hanington, Eaton, Irvine, Gerow and Peters joining the first division, and Messrs. Gross, Thompson, Olive, Christie, Keans, Whitney, Sullivan, Fitzpatrick Clark, and Skinner the second. After the victory was declared in favour of the second, the aggregate score being 46 to 49.
The civilians' side of the game of cricket was brought to Saint John by the students who went to the Collegiate School in Fredericton. At that time, cricket was far more advanced in the "celestial" city. When the students returned to Saint John, they brought with them the game of cricket. They formed the "Saint John Cricket Club" in the year 1855. The President was William Lunn, Vice President James A. Harding, Roland Bunting was Secretary and Thomas Scammell was Treasurer.
The military leased to the new club a large field behind the artillery barracks. The ground was levelled and resodded for the formation of a cricket pitch. The club used this area until the year 1861. However, when the "Trent Affair" began, the military reclaimed the land to quarter cavalry horses.
In the late 1860s a number of civilian vs. military "wicket" games were played. They proved to be lively encounters. More often than not, the military won due to the superior skills of the garrison officers. The local club also played a number of matches with outside "elevens" from Fredericton, Sussex, and Windsor, Nova Scotia. The teams loved to go "tripping" to another city, for after a day-long game, a grand dinner was put on by the host club. They were always treated to course after course of delectable fruits of the land and sea, served along with the finest wines. Then came a toast to the Queen, followed by merry singing that lasted well into the night.